
catching up!

Sometimes life is rolling along smoothly...and then BAM...it hits hyper speed!  That's about it, my life for the last 3 weeks.  I've been to doctor appointments (not for me...for once!), to St. George for Easter break and then down to Scottsdale, Arizona for a little spa trip.  I LOVE being home with my family...it's always good to be home. 

So, I missed a few journal/blog/posts...whatever this is?  Now I'm catching up...

52 Gratitude....

#14 = A talent I have:

When I was young, I was a fantastic dancer.  Classically trained, none of the cheesy competitive dancing that goes on today.  I was taught ballet, tap and jazz - but - lyrical is my favorite.  I enjoyed choreography, and was really very good at it!  I have a deep association with music and movement.  Every time I hear a great song...I'm choreographing in my chaotic and creative mind!  I don't dance anymore, should never have let that go...oh well.

Now, at the age of 44, I am a talented doodle-er and journal-er.  I love to journal and add doodles and images to my pages.  It's fun.  I'm not super sure that it is a talent...but, I'm saying it is!  I have several different journals entitled and devoted to several different subjects.  I CAN NOT have enough note books...I love new note books.  But, I've always been a big fan of paper, pencils and markers my whole entire life, so it's not a shocker!  I am grateful for the blessings of creativity!

#15 = What I like about SPRING!
Well....DUH...the sun, warmth, colors, smells, rain and flowers!  Need I say more...nope.  I couldn't be more grateful when spring rolls around because I'm not a fan of winter!  So, I greet spring with arms wide open every single year!

#16 = Simple things in life:

I totally believe that the big things in life bloom from the small and phenomenal everyday things!  
The small (but HUGE) things in my life that I am most grateful for are my family, Tom, blue sky's, music, sunshine and warmth, comfortable clothes, kindness and character.  Those are a few of my favorite things (...when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things...)!!!  I love life.  One of the most valuable blessings I received post surgery was that the small everyday blessings are to be cherished and appreciated.  It's the most important "mantra" I have...enjoy the little things.  Big, great, happy feelings are produced from small and little occurrences!  I am grateful for SMALL and precious things....they make my BIG life extraordinary!

OK...I'm caught up now.  

Live, Laugh, Love
Lisa Lucille :]

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