

I'm pretty sure I take EVERYTHING for granted.  I mean...really, I do.  When I'm grocery shopping in a supermarket, with almost everything I need, filling my grocery cart to the brim....my mind isn't consumed with gratitude for my abundant blessings of availability and convenience!  Why?  It should be.  For real...my closet is a joke, I could clothe a small village of women!  I am grateful daily for my large closet and all that fills it, however, there are still days I can be heard saying, "I don't know what to wear?" (yes, in a whiney tone!)  And, I have a car...that works!  How many times, while sitting in traffic, have I really taken time to appreciate my awesome car???  My house has heat in the winter and air-conditioning in the summer.  My husband owns a business that runs successfully.  I am a member of the church that contains the ONE true gospel, and sometimes I complain about going to church?  So, I think my point is clear...I have a whole lot to be grateful for, which I take for granted everyday!  I have seen poverty, given to the homeless and watched friends struggle with serious illness, therefore, I do think I have a pretty grounded idea of what I have been blessed with...it's just that it all becomes common and mundane, I forget how grateful I really am for with what I am SO bountifully blessed.

may I never take EITHER of these for granted!
***Family and Food***
My life is like my grocery cart...always full...to the brim!  I've got to try harder to NOT take it all for granted!

52 gratitude #17: What do I take for granted?  EVERYTHING! :]

Keep your sunny side up!
Lisa Lucille

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