
sun...soothes my soul

Week #18, in this 52 gratitude challenge, presents me with this simple idea...the weather.  Am I grateful that it is spring, the sun is shining and I can spend time outside?  YES!  My favorite thing in the entire world is the warmth of the sun.  What it does for my soul, nothing else can do.  It's like one massive anxiety pill - the sun is out, the air is warm - peace, calm and still in my soul.

The weather, on this very day, is beautiful!  The temperature will rise to 73...which is my most adored amount of degrees!  The sky is a light spring time blue and there are a few wispy clouds floating above south mountain.  The breeze is a bit chilly, but it's April...so, that's normal.

I love the warmth of the sun.  I am a sun child.  My mood is influenced significantly by the sun, it's brightness and warmth.  I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to pictures of sunshine and quotes about sunshine....the board itself is called "Sunshine".  A couple of the best quotes I've found are:

Sunshine is the best medicine
I was made for sunny days
Let the sun shine through your heart
Yeah!  I felt sunbeams on my skin today!
Dear Sun...My whole world revolves around you.  Sincerely, a person on earth
Keep your sunny side up!

And, obviously, I love songs about sunshine:

You are my sunshine (Johnny Cash version #1)
There is sunshine in my soul today (will be sung at my funeral)
Sunshine on my shoulders (John Denver)
Walking on sunshine (Katrina and the waves)
Here comes the sun (Beatles)
Summertime (Kenny Chesney)
Lazy Days (Enya)

Sunshine has been proven to medicate the souls of the needy, terminally ill, blind and emotionally unstable people of the world.  It's not a miracle cure, just a moment of calm and wellness that feels like a miracle.

Lisa Lucille

ps...post needs pics that don't want to upload...don't forget!

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