
year in a nut shell....

Equation....LAST YEAR = CHAOS!

In a nutshell.....Ava baby, 25th wedding anniversary celebration, start home remodel, Sadie wins place in Miss Bluffdale Pageant, purchased St. George house, still remodeling during the 106 degree summer,  lots of parades attended, moving into St. G house, took a girls (my girls) trip to Jackson Hole, gradually completing home remodel, Sadie moves up to Logan to start college at Utah State, girls trip (Kay) to Arizona, moving mom-in-law into new home, mom-in-law fights depression and we jump in to help her through it, CJ gone ALL of September...he's in Canada and Kansas, Lisa fights depression, CJ is an ironman once again in Panama City Florida, small thanksgiving in St. G, Lisa still tired and crawling through depression, still in the final stretch of house remodel, then christmas.

The last 3 years have not been easy ones.  What I have learned is that life is just life, and that it's like playing a very competitive game of dodgeball.  Sometimes we dodge one, sometimes we win with a quick catch and other times we get smacked in the face or gut and have to sit out for a bit.  It's all ok if we just take it for what it is...life.  I breathe A LOT and count to 10 OFTEN, then I have the ability to decide whether I accept or reject, and it has worked.

In battle we learn strategy.  I'm grateful for the opportunities I've been blessed with to learn and grow...create my strategy!  I can assuredly say there is opposition in ALL things.  We make decisions everyday, good and bad, positive and negative, kind and mean.  I've gained a passion for good, positivity and kindness, and I intend to share it!  I'm still battling my demon within, but someday he will lose my game of dodgeball...I will strongly and gladly smack him so hard, he will have to sit out for a very long time.

"..when the first rubber ball smacked her in the head and made her brains rattle in her skull, she knew that something about this dodgeball game was different"

...quote by Michael Buckley

keep your sunny side up!
lisa lucille :]

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