
what's your connection?

What do you feel connected to?
 I feel powerfully connected to the sky.
The sun, moon, stars and clouds.  
Years ago I received a blessing which eluded to the fact that it was in my best interest to pay attention to nature.  At the time I was taken back a bit because I was not the "tree hugger" type, so what could that mean?  I pondered it a lot, so much so that it became a little bit of an obsession.  So I began to read articles and watch videos or tv specials specifically about the elements of nature.  I turned to learning a little bit about earth sciences and started truly noticing all the little things around me when I would go for walks, hikes or drives.  In 2011, on vacation to the Teton Valley, it became very clear...I got it!  I knew what my blessing meant and how interested and invested I already was with it!  The elements of nature have a divine and significant meaning.

I came to believe that everyones spirit connects to an earthly element.  For example - My Sadoe Potato connects to the trees, she feels a comfort in them.  She also loves the water, she claims it makes her feel peaceful.  My Momma Cait's heart is always open to animals, she loves and cares for them intensely.  My Handsome Man is very much a kin to the earth, he is addicted to and thrives on outdoor adventure.  After many inquiries I have found people who love dirt, people who love rocks and people who are drawn to rivers.  When people understand what I am asking them, and are willing to answer me, they become very detailed and speak with a sense of excited reverence about their particular connection.  It's very cool.

Genesis 2:7 describes man was made from the earth itself.  So why wouldn't we feel a connection to it?  I believe ALL that the earth and heavens provide are specifically designed for our use and learning.  Just as we are blessed with unique talents and wisdom, I can't help but believe we are also blessed with very individual connections to God's beautiful earthly creations.

So, on days which I lay on my lawn and gaze into the big blue sky...or sit on my porch in the middle of the night just to see the stars, I will SMILE and say thank you for the blessing of my connection to it.  When I travel back to the Teton Valley (as I try to do every single summer), I will be humbled by the blessings of it's overwhelming magnitude...and then I will SMILE and be grateful for it all!

What are you connected to?  Don't take it for granted, don't think it's silly.  It's a blessing!  Immerse yourself in it, smile and be grateful for the connection.

Keep your sunny side up!
Lisa Lucille

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