
love language

Love: noun - an intense feeling of deep affection.

According to some really smart people, who conduct intense testing of personalities, there are 5 love languages...1) Words of Affirmation, 2) Acts of Service, 3) Receiving Gifts, 4) Quality Time and 5) Physical Touch.  Which one are you....5 Love Languages?

Quality Time is the love language my personality is drawn to.  This means that I love undivided attention from my handsome man, CJ.  Not a huge surprise!  CJ is my best friend and favorite person, there is no one I'd rather spend my time with.  It's because of the special attention CJ has shown and given me (especially in times of heartache and darkness), that I am a happy human being!  I don't crave attention from anyone else...just my handsome man.

me and my favorite person
...and I'm betting his language is Acts of Service?

After reading up on each of the Love Languages I took a second to think of the people I love and what their love language might be?  It's interesting to me that we all receive love differently.  Maybe that's why so many get confused with their relationships, because they give love the way they would like to receive it.  It's not a bad thing to show love in any form, if it is sincere.  However, maybe we should consider more often that our favorite people need to receive love in a whole different way than we ourselves need to receive it???  Take a second to look at the 5 Love Languages above and think about which language your favorite person might be?  You may be spot on, you might not?  But, I believe, just thinking about the different love languages might open your mind to doing something a little different that might make your favorite person a little happier.

Keep it real!
Lisa Lucille


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