
Psalms 118:24

"Scripture study is the most profitable of all study in which we could engage." -Howard W. Hunter

I've been studying the scriptures with purpose since 2014.  I started with the Book of Mormon, moved to the Doctrine and Covenants, fell of the wagon for a while, read the New Testament, then dug into some scripture study ideas, scripture reading challenges, and some scripture adventures of my own.  I am now following "15 Scriptures to Brighten Your Day" which I found on pinterest.  The scripture above is the first scripture on that list.

In the past, I have journaled, doodled or just listened to the scriptures in which I was studying.  This time around I thought I'd turn them into something visual.  Using my app's Pixabay, Fontcandy and Picsee, I am creating poster image style scripture pages.  It's really fun!  I'm not a graphic design artist in the least, in fact I keep it pretty simple because I'm basically technologically challenged.  But, it really doesn't matter because it's me...and I love to do what my heart finds appealing.

Scriptures are truly a grand love of mine.  They see me through and help me along.  They give me a reason to focus on something good and interesting.  I don't always understand everything I read, and that's ok.  When it comes to the scriptures, I think, it's the feeling that comes with reading the words, picturing the stories and the people, thinking about the valiant adventures of people who's lives were so entirely different than mine.  And to think...we all believe the same thing, Christ is our Savior, the Son of God.  It's just so epic!

"Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope, and a restoration of confidence in one's ability to overcome the challenges of life." -Richard G. Scott

Always keep your face to the sun!
Lisa Lucille 

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