
i noticed my life!

Does life ever just 'occur' to you?  All the sudden you feel like you're having an awakening?  You think, "Wow.  This is life.  This is MY life.  Cool beans.  It occurs to me that my life is pretty awesome today.  What's happening in MY life today is super great and it makes me happy...AND I NOTICED!"  Well, that happened to me...just now. 

CJ chillin' at the Nuuk Airport...Greenland

CJ is in Greenland right now.  After 4 days of travel chaos, he finally arrived in the prehistoric and remote area he will be hunting in.  On his list of animals to hunt is a musk ox and a caribou.  He has wanted to hunt caribou since he was 7 years old.  Today, his dream came true...he shot a huge caribou!!!  I was so thrilled for him, I wanted to burst into tears of joy!  He will now spend the next 5 days searching out a massive musk ox.  Oh how excited I am that he is on this adventure.  Oh how grateful I am that he has amazing opportunities to go adventure hunting.  He loves it so much.

All the odd shaped circles (balls!)...Ava's!

This afternoon Ava drew, on purpose, a ball.  She asked me to draw a ball, so, mindlessly I drew one on the white board and said, "It looks like a circle."  I turned in my chair and continued talking to Cait. A couple seconds later I happened to look back over my shoulder and noticed Ava had drawn 3 more "balls."  I clapped my hands furiously and cheered, "Ava!  You drew a circle!"  She looked at me, sort of blankly, and said, "It's a ball."  Then she smiled and attempted to draw at least 50 more!  She usually draws lines, just lines.  I'm so proud of her focus and determination.  I'm just sure she thinks I'm pretty lame for thinking her 'ball' was just a 'circle'...duh nana.  It's a miracle watching her grow and learn.  It really tickles me pink!

"I love to see the Temple" :]

Although the task of staining a wood block temple the color gray and then tying a white bow around it is so super simple...the point is that I made time to craft.  I don't craft, ever.  I used to, but not even close to lately.  It just made me happy that I had time to create something just for me.  That's a pretty amazing thing for me to do on an ordinary weekday.  I love it so much because of what it represents.  I thought it only appropriate to nestle my little temple in among my angels and underneath Moroni...exactly where it should be.

Today has just been another usual day...but it definitely occurred to me that it was wonderful.  I'm so grateful I noticed 'life' today.  Happiness abides in all the normal places, that's why it's so great.  Gautama Buddha said, "There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path." Spot on Buddha.

Keep your sunny side up!
Lisa Lucille :]

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