
study, journal, create, repeat...

One year ago I started a scripture study.  The study was to run for 7 days and guide me through the last week of Christ's life.  There was so much sincerity and spirit in that study I decided to find another scripture study challenge.  When that challenge had ended I found another challenge...and so on and so forth.  I studied various scripture themes for the next 12 months.  It has made a significant difference in my life.

Also, one year ago, I embarked onto many personal journal challenges.  These are not as consistent as my scripture journaling, but definitely as enjoyable.  I'm not a writer and no more am I a scrapbooker, however my desire to keep on documenting is alive.  I love the idea of pictures that illustrate my words and so I will always strive to involve photo's...because they are fun!  It's been proven that journaling is therapeutical.  I guess I'm a sucker for personal theory?  I don't know?  At any rate, I will continue.

What I'm taking from this past 'year of journal study adventure' is that journaling must be "my thing".  I'm constantly challenging myself to read, journal and create.  I don't feel right if I'm not involved in it in some way.  It's like being lost.  I don't want to be lost.  I don't want my memories and knowledge to be lost.

Life is a process that's never ending.  I can't really wrap my head around that?  I'd like to see a finality to it, where I am the all knowledgable and complete human being...nope, not in the cards.  I will always be my quiet, chaotic self, loaded with anxiety, panic disorders, addictions and insecurity.  It's gotta be ok, because when I document it all it seems silly, fun, crazy and worth my days spent on this earth.  Again, it all seems fun and normal when I journal.  My spirit finds peace when I'm nose deep in scripture study.  My memory stays semi acute when I'm documenting.  No one will ever take interest in my ordinary life, nor will it prove any historical findings.  I don't care.  I've just gotta do it.


Keep your sunny side up,
Lisa Lucille :]

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